Friday, September 23, 2016


Foresthack 2016 took place last August 27-28, 2016 at UPLB, organized by IDC Environment and Livelihood Development Foundation (ELDF) partnered with 8Layers Technologies, Inc. and Society of Filipino Foresters Inc. (SFFI). It challenged computer technology enthusiasts to develop an application through the use of mobile platforms. The Mobile App aimed at serving users with a tool that would enable them to: (1) contribute and access data and information for planning and monitoring sustainable forest management activities; (2) understand the challenges in the forestry sector; and, (3) search solutions that will address those challenges.

Nearly 150 college students from Laguna, Batangas, Quezon, metro Manila, and Palawan taking up Information Technology, Computer Science, and Forestry courses participated in the event. A total of 26 teams (composed of 4 students each) competed not only for the Grand Prize but as well as the opportunity to work with technology incubators and to pre-sent their “Winning App” at the Annual Conference of the Society of Filipino Foresters, Inc., to be held in Iloilo City in October 2016. The team “H.E.Y.L.” with their mobile app on calculating carbon footprint won the grand prize. The other two teams that won the first and second prize were Team “Newbie” with their “GoHarvest” app and Team “Supremo” with their “Kolektiv” app, respectively.

RC LB Makiling was invited as community partner of the organizers. As such, the Club provided tokens for the panel of judges, resource persons and guests.

Photo courtesy of 8Layers Technologies, Inc.