The rotary year 2014-2015 has ended. A new term, a new president, and a new set of officers have been elected. But before we move on to the new term, let us first take a pause and thank our Best Class President Marites "Tess" Pantua for all her hard work and congratulate her in all her accom-plishments during her term. A lot of things (i.e., projects, exposure, new connections, etc.) happened during her term and listing them here would make this more of a report than an article so we will feature just two which made a huge impact not only to her but also to the club.
Last year, she gained both recognition and praise from RI District 3820's now Past District Governor Jojo de Guia, Jr. during his Governor's Visit to the club for her efforts to invite other people to their club not only to be a rotarian, but firstly to be part of RC LB Makiling's family, as a sister and as a friend, united by the motto "Service above self". How was this done? She suggested that she and the members bring a friend during the club's weekly meetings to introduce these "friends" to rotary, to let others know that they exist. It was like a chain reaction, taking into consideration the theme of the rotary year 2014-2015 "Light Up Rotary". A rotarian invites another person to serve the people, this person later invites another one to do the same, and the cycle goes on.
"The Rotary way is the Confucius way. The Rotary way is to light a candle. I light one, you light one, 1.2 million Rotarians light one. Together, we light up the world."
- RI PP Gary C.K. Huang, RY 2014-2015
As a reward to her efforts, she was awarded a Membership Gold Award during the 2015 Rotary Convention in São Paulo, Brazil. Also, a caricature of her (see left image) was featured in Rotary Stories, it was an entry to the ROTATION contest, an international project wherein the winner will be awarded with Paul Harris Fellow.
Our message to BCP Marites "Tess" Pantua: "You are worthy of all the awards and recognitions you have received. Continue to live life the way you are now, serving others selflessly. And don't forget to always put God in the center. Again, thank you and congratulations!